Airgun Service & Repair Dealers
This page contains contact information for many airgun service & repair dealers. If you have addition service & repair dealer information that you would like to add to this page, please email it to me , thanks.
The listing of dealer on this page is in no way to be considered an endorsement by The American Airgun page author, maintainer, or internet provider. Any transactions with persons listed on this page is solely the responsibility of the reader.
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David Slade
Minor Hill, TN 38473
(931) 565-4841
Web Site:
Exclusive U.S. supplier and installer of Theoben Gas Rams. Also repair, service
tune ups, and custom airgunsmithing for all major adult precision airguns. Theoben certified repair center.
Archer Airguns Inc.
Telephone: 585-425-0277
Web Site:
An authorized Crosman Repair Center, Archer Airguns specialises in servicing Benjamin Discovery,
Marauder and Crosman Challenger PCP air rifles. They also service QB78-type CO2 airguns including
Tech Force TF78 and TF79 models. This range will expand in future. Uniquely, Archer Airguns repair
services can be ordered online without the need for tedious telephone calls and estimates. They offer
transparent pricing and a guaranteed turnaround time for repairs. The standard turnaround time is
15 working days (3 weeks), but if it�s vital you receive your airgun back as soon as possible, there�s
also an Expedited Service option that provides a 10 working days (2 weeks) turnaround.
Beeman Precision Airguns
Division of S/R Industries, Inc.
5454 Argosy Drive
Huntington Beach, Ca. 92649
Retailer and Service of high quality Air Rifles, Air Pistols, and Supplies.

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JG Airguns, LLC
John Groenewold
PO Box 830,
Mundelein, IL 60060-0830
Beeman dealer; Daisy, Crosman, Benjamin and Sheridan factory authorized
service center; Repairs and parts for most brands of airguns; BSA and Webley
airguns; Paragon and Prometheous pellets; new and used airguns; books; and a host of other products and services.
Mac-1 Airgun Distributors
13974 S. Van Ness Ave.
Gardena, Ca. 90249
310 327-3581
310 327-0238 (fax)
Sales, repair and customizing of quality airguns. Home of
the "Steroid" Streak, Crosman LD custom pistol, Venom products and more.
Everything for the new and experienced airgunner.
Jim Maccari
Airgun Smith, tuneups and repairs. Dealer for BSA Magnum, Air Arms and RWS airguns
McMurray and Son (Mac-1 Airgun Distributors)
13974 Van Ness Avenue,
Gardena, CA 90249
(310) 327-3582.
Airgun Service and Repair of most foreign and domestic airguns,
customizing, scope mounting, custom machining, bulk CO2 systems, tuning
and accurizing, and Venomac U.S. distributor.
PHOXX Airguns
2995N 1050E
North Ogden, UT 84414
Warranty repair station for Benjamin-Sheridan and Crosman. Fast turn
around time. "Scout" Air rifles and custom trigger jobs on Benjamin
C9, 397,392,F9 series. As close as UPS. Call before shipping.
P.O. Box 716
200 S. Broadway
Linton, North Dakota 58552
Authorized service center for Crosman, Benjamin-Sheridan
Manufacture of .380 ga. Shotshells for Crosman 1100 Trapmaster
Pilkington Competition Equipment
Little Trees Ramble
PO Box 97
Monteagle TN, 37356
(931) 924-3400
(931) 924-3489
Email: pilkguns@InfoAve.Net
Importer and repair depot for Steyr-Mannlicher airguns
Pneumatic Engineering
Joe Korick
3509 NW 132nd Circle
Vancouver, WA. 98685
"The Precharge Specialist", Specializing in pneumatic regulators for all precharge applications.
TMAC's Airgun Service
c/o Tony McDaniel
1120 Finger Bridge Rd.
Hickory NC 28602
Phone: 828-294-2468
Cell: 828-851-0245
Web Site:
Repairs & Services for: Daisy, Crosman (including older models),
Benjamin, Sheridan, Remington, Smith & Wesson (S&W 78G, 79G, 77A), Walther, Antique Air guns,
Obsolete Guns, Airgun Tunes, Airgun Modifications, and even Paintball Guns.
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