Airgun Fun & Games
This page is a compilation of funs shooting games and fun targets that you can do and shoot with an airgun.

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Backyard Safari
This was originally designed for younger shooters, but anyone can enjoy it. Take a box of animale crackers into the back yard, field, or other safe shooting area. Place the animals around the yard or field at different locations in the grass or under bushes. Use your imagination in placing the animals, just be sure of your backstop and that your are shooting in a safe direction.
Now take your hunters, kids or shooting buddys, into the field and hunt the animals. As you spot the animals, you stop and shoot them. After you are done with your safari, the animal crackers can be left for the birds.
Mini Sniping
Mini Sniping has been around for a while. In this game you place 5 empty 9mm pistol casings in clay at 35 yards. One shot is taken at each case. A kill is recorded only if the casing is shot out of the clay. This is alot of fun and alot tougher than it sounds.
A fun variation on this game is to substitute those little green army figurines that we all played with as kids for the 9mm casings. You can typically get them at any discount store like Walmart. The proportions of the figurine torsos are about the same as the 9mm casing. But the figures and a bit of fun to the game.
Favorite Targets
- Soda Jug Bottle Tops
- Paint Balls
- Aspirin
- Metalic Silhouettes
- Little Green Army Figurines
- Fast Food Fun Meal Charactures
- Used Pistol and Shotgun casings
- Planters Cheez Balls
- Oyster Crackers
- Breakfast Cereal, Kix, Cocoa Puffs and the like.
- Metalic Spinners
- Field Targets
- Compact Discs, especially AOL CDs
- Soda Cans
- Neco Wafers
- Orange Plastic Practice Golf Balls
- Cow/Goat Bells
- Snap & Pops
- Pennies
- Old Playing Cards
- Old Eggs
- Plastic Milk Caps
- 35mm Film Canister Partially Filled With Flour
- Old Metal Dog Rabies Tags
- Toothpicks at 10 meters
- Smarties also called Sweettarts
- Acorns
- Beer Bottle Caps
- Light Bright Pegs
- Golf Tees
- Cap gun Caps
- Bugs on a white board smeared with honey
- Dimes
- Frozen Apples
- Fruit
- Bath soap and shampoo bottles with various cartoon heads on them
- Charcoal Briquets
- PEZ Candy & Dispensers
- Ketsup Packets and other fast food sauce packets
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