Product Review Guidelines

Please read and follow these guidleine when submitting material to me for publication on this site. Thanks.

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Written Materials.

1. Submit your reviews via email. Please inform me prior to sending photos via email.
2. Please check with me prior to sending me a review. If you wish to check with me about an idea for a review or article, please feel free to do so.
3. When reviewing airguns, test the rifle with several pellets types and include accuarcy data and velocity data when possible. Use test ranges suitable for the type of airgun being tested and include test parameters with your test data.
4. When you write the review or article, be yourself. Write as if you are telling your information to a good friend, but one who knows very little about your subject.
5. Try to keep your story short (2 to 3 printed pages) and to the point. I reserver the right to edit any story submitted for posting on my site.
6. Use good grammer, spelling, punctuation, capitalization and sentence structure. You may consider purchasing a book on grammer or writing to help you. You may also want to have the material reviewed proir to submission. Reviews or articles that require substantial editing will not be posted, they will be returned to the author for revision.
7. I do not offer payment for articles posted on my site. However, you will get full credit for the review or article.


1. For pictures, please use a quality camera for photographs that you submit with your review.
2. Pictures may be emailed to me or sent via normal mail and I will scan them myself.
3. If someone other than you took the photos, please supply their name for inclusion in the credits.
4. When ever possible, don't use a flash. Try to take your pictures outdoors in the shade during the day. Stay out of direct sunlight that might glare on the shiny parts or your product
5. Use a solid light colored cloth as a background. A beige or white cloth works very well.
6. Try to get as much details of your product as possible. Be very careful when focusing so as to capture the detail properly.
7. Don't try to hand-hold the camera, use a tripod and a cable release if you have one.
8. If you use a non-digital camera, don't get matte prints.
9. Position the camera in the center of the product so the perspective will be correct.


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