Start A Field Target Club
So you want to start a field target club, GREAT! This page will give you some ideas on how to go about starting a club. Unfortunately there isn't any one sure fired formula to starting a club. Below you will find some ideas and hints as to how to go about doing it.
A good place to start is at the official AAFTA website

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Aquiring Field Targets and other Materials
Below is a general list of things that you will need for your matches:
- Practice target (paper) and target holders
- Field Targets
- Target Spikes or Anchors
- Reset String
- Lane Markers
- Score Cards
Practice target
The practice targets are used before the match for the shooters to warm up and sight in their airguns. Just about any target can be used for practicing. Here is a common practice target that you can print out and use. This target has a series of 1" circles that are 1/2" apart from each other. Inside each 1" circle is a 1/2" circle. These target don't have any center point to aim at. This is meant to simulate a kill zone in that you don't have a specific point of aim, instead you are shooting at an area.
Target holders
Some type of target holder should be provided. Anything that can hold a target can be used. You should plan on having at least one target holder for each distance between 10-50 yards in 5 yards increments. A few extra holders are nice to have on hand in case someone wants to place one at another distance. Some simple designa would be a frame made of 1x2 wood with tacks or staples to mount the targets. Another nice design is to use 1/4" rod bent in a U shape. The legs can be stuck into the ground and the targets clipped onto the rod at the top and sides with some large black paper clips. A 6' piece of rod work very nicely for this.
Field Targets
Of the list above, the field targets will be the most difficult to aquire. There are only a few suppliers/manufacturers of field targets and they can cost from $30-50 each. An alternative to buying targets is to make your own. You can purchase a few targets and simply copy them or you can create your own. One way to get started is to make some targets out of wood. These targets can be made with tools that a lot of people have around the house. They typically cost under $10 each and they work very well. By making a batch of these targets, you can begin holding matches. As you hold matches and your club grows, you can purchase more targets.
Target Spikes or Anchors
To hold the targets down during a match, you will need some type of spikes. Spikes can be large nails or pieces of L shaped rods. The targets normally have holes in the bases that the spikes are inserted through and hammered into the ground. What spike you use depends on the soil in your area. Many clubs use 12" nails (spike) that you can purchase at a local hardware or home improvement store. Others use 1/4" rods cut down to 12"-18" lengths with one end bent 90 degrees. Rod like this can be purchased at home improvement stores and many times at welding shops.
Reset String
To reset the targets, a reset string will needed for each target. The accepted string is Dacron fishing line in either 50 or 80 lb test. Dacron is used since it doesn't stretch much and it is resistant to the weather. It is fairly expensive, so you might want to purchase some nylon cord at first. You will want to get some string holders to put the string on. The string should be cut in lenghts just over 50 yards and wound onto the string holders. One nice string holder can be made of 1/2" plywood cut into an H shape. With two finishing nails in either end, the string is easy to wind and unwind by hand or with a cordless drill.
Lane Markers
Each lane needs to be marked with a number. Just about anything can be used to mark the lane, just make sure that the lane number is clearly and easily visible. Many clubs use left and right markers to define the firing point. The number can be attached to these markers.
Score Cards
The score card can be generated by hand or on a computer. The score card might include:
- A line for the shooters name
- A line for the shooters classification
- A line for the starting lane
- A place to mark each shot (usually divided by lane and target)
- A line to total the score on each lane
- A line to record the total match score
You can include more or less as you like. Here is an example of a scorecard that you can used at a local club.
Finding A Place To Shoot
Finding Club Memebers
Running Matches
Club By-Laws and Other Legalities
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