Field Target Rules
Reprinted from the AAFTA Clubs and Shooters Handbook.

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Shoot Rules
A). Any safe airgun of any configuration, shooting a single pellet.
B). Any airgun declared unsafe to people and/or property (including targets) by the match director will be barred from use.
C). The use of more than one airgun is not permitted during a course of fire, except in the event of malfunctioning equipment. -
A). Any form of sighting system may be used.
B). No Separate device designed specifically for or used for range finding may be used to view the targets. -
Any design of pellet that is completely constructed of lead or lead alloy only. -
A). Silhouette fall-when-hit targets resettable from the firing point will be used. Silhouettes should be of typical airgun quarry.
B). Targets should not be closer than 10 yards, nor further than 55 yards from the firing point.
C). The match director should assure that shooting lanes and physical limits of the firing points are clearly defined.
D). A clear and unobstructed view of the hit zone must be afforded from at least one shooting position.
E). Shooters may reset their own targets once they are given permission from the scorer. -
A). Scoring shall be on the basis of one point for each ìhitî and a zero for each miss.
B). A hit will be awarded when the target falls, any movement of the kill zone paddle which does not result in the target face plate falling will be recorded as a miss.
C). Any discharge without first announcing ones intension to deliberately discharge the gun [into the ground] shall be recorded as a miss. -
Shooting Position:
A). Any shooting position is allowed but the range may be set up to necessitate use of a forced position on some targets.
B). Rifle slings may be used.
C). No form of support from the ground for the airgun and/or body may be used (e.g., bipod, benchrest, chair, tree stump, etc.).
D). A seat/prone mat used solely as a seat/mat may be used (see Rule 7).
E). The airgun must be supported by the shooter's hand(s) and body. -
A). The maximum height for any form of seat is 6 inches, measured with the shooter sitting on the seat.
B). The six inches is measured from the ground to the highest point of the seat.
C). The seat can only be used as a seat and not any other means of shooting support.
*Note: Variations of Rules 6 & 7 may be applied at the discretion of the match director in recognition of shooters desires, while ensuring that no unfair advantage is accrued. In the event an advantage is obtained, those shooters shall compete in a separate class for awards. -
Disputed Scores:
A). Any challenge must be made to the marshal prior to leaving the target.
B). Any dispute not resolved at that time will be referred to the match director, whose decision will be final. -
The penalty for deliberate infraction of Shoot Rules, unsafe practice, ungentlemanly con-duct, or any form of cheating is disqualifica-tion. -
Target Sequence:
A). The match director shall designate a sequence for shooting targets, by number, left-to-right, nearest-to-farthest etc.
B). A shot on a target out of sequence shall be recorded as a miss for the correct target in sequence.
C). If the wrong target was knocked over, it shall be reset and then shooting shall resume on the correct target in sequence. -
Time per Shot:
A). The Match Director and/or Marshal may impose a time limit per lane or per target either before or during a match.
B). The timing may start when the airgun is shouldered, when the shooter addresses the lane (i.e. sits down) or as specified by the Match Director.
C). Shots not executed within the time limit will be scored as misses. -
Tied Scores:
In the event of two (2) or more shooters tying for an award, a shoot-off, or other tie-breaking system will take place. -
Match Director:
In any matters arising and not covered by these rules, the match director's decision will be final.
Safety Rules
- All Airguns shall be kept unloaded until on the firing line, with the muzzle pointed downrange and ready to fire.
- Airgun muzzles will at all times be pointed away from all persons.
- When on the firing line, safe Airgun procedures will be observed including:
- No Airgun will be cocked or loaded until a shot is ready to be fired downrange.
- When an Airgun is cocked or loaded on the firing line, the SAFETY will not be released until the muzzle is pointed at the target and the shooter is ready to FIRE.
- When cocking Spring Airguns, the Shooter must hold the cocking lever or barrel while inserting a pellet, to prevent the accidental discharge of the gun and preventing injury to himself or other shooters.
- Safe spacing of shooters on the firing line is both judicious and courteous.
- Each shooter is responsible for his or her direction of fire, and safety toward other shooters.
- When the Range Safety Officer or Marshall declares the line "COLD" all Shooters will break the breech, open the loading port or bolt, or unlatch the cocking lever to signify a safe "COLD" line.
- The Range Safety Officer should be notified when a shooter wishes to put-up a new practice target. The Range Safety Officer will, at his discretion, call for a "COLD" line. At that time targets may be put up on his command. On the field target course the appointed marshalls will act as deputies of the Range Safety Officer (Chief Marshall).
- The Range Safety Officer or Marshall will have the final decision on matters of "Safety on the Range".
- Lead Pellets only may be used on the range.
- Safety must be encouraged and enforced. It is therefore, important that all shooters strive to practice safe Airgun handling. It is also important, that shooters remind anyone of unsafe Airgun handling and, if necessary, report unsafe practices to the Range Safety Officer or Marshall.
- NO children shall be allowed on the firing line. Junior Shooters MUST be cleared by the Range Safety Officer by being instructed on RANGE SAFETY.
- No alcohol will be allowed on the sight-in range or field target course.
Classification Rules
- OPEN CLASS: Any airgun, any sight.
- PISTON CLASS: Any piston gun and any sight.
The match director may provide additional sub-classes to either or both of the two classes. Sub-classes are generally only offered if there are enough shooters to justify them. Examples of sub-classes could be A & B or standard & unlimited.
It is customary to include a club/state team prize at the U.S. Championship match each year. The team should consist of five shooters who are regular attending members of a club in that state. The team score should be comprised of the top four scores of the five shooters on the team with the lowest score being dropped.
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