Field Target Frequently Asked Questions

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What airguns are used for field target?

What's the lowest velocity a field target gun should have?

What's better - PCP or spring guns?

Can a breakbarrel be accurate for field target?

What shooting positions are allowed in field target?

How do FT shooters hold there guns?

Why do FT shooters use high magnification scopes?

How do you Rangefind with a scope?

What scopes are being used for field target?

How do you level a scope?

How do you determine which pellet is right for FT?

Which pellet weight is best for FT?

What can I do to my spring gun before it is moved into the Modified Class?

How do I focus the scope reticle to my eye?

What's the differences between an airgun scope and firearm rifle scope?

What causes accuracy problems in an airgun?

What does the term "FAC" stand for?

Why do you lube the pellets with pre-charged pneumatic airguns?



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