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Place An Airgun Ad

Use this form to place an airgun ad on the classified ads page. Fields with an asterisk are required.

Ad Rules
  1. All ads are free.
  2. Non-airgun related ads are prohibited, do not post ads for paintball, airsoft, firearms, business ads, cars, etc.
  3. List all ad details in the ad, links to other classified ad or auctions sites are not allowed.
  4. For Sale items must have an asking price.
  5. No auctioning of items for sale is allowed.
  6. Ads for items on other auction sites are not allowed.
  7. Ads will be posted for approximately seven (7) days, after which time they will be deleted automatically.
  8. Commercial ads of used products may be posted on a limited basis.
  9. Commercial ads for new products or services are not allowed.
  10. Ads with excessive or all capital letters will be removed without notice.
  11. Trades should be limited to airguns and related equipment.
  12. Ads for illegal items are not allowed.
  13. Ads that are derogatory to others or use profanity will be removed without notice and will get you block from the page.
  14. Ads with user inserted html tags are not allowed.
  15. Do not post ads stating your item has been sold, delete the ad when the item sells.
  16. Posts about other ads prices, ie "Price Police" are not allowed and can get you block from the page.
  17. This page is not for asking general airgun questions or finding information, do not post questions to the page.
  18. Any ads not conforming to these rules will be deleted without notice.

*** Please limit the number of ads posted each day to 3-5 ads.
*** Posting in excess of 3-5 ads may result in the deletion of all of your ads.

Place Ad Form
* Name:
* Email Address:
* Email Confirm:
* Ad Password:   (case sensitive)
* Pwd Confirm:   (case sensitive)
Note: the password is only used to delete the ad from the database.
Phone Number: Time Zone:
Ad Type: For Sale   Wanted   Trade
Item Type: Rifle   Pistol   Scope  Accessory


* Ad Subject:
Write a brief description of the ad subject. The subject will be limited to 80 characters. DO NOT post ads in all capital letters. DO NOT put embedded html in your ads.
* Ad Description:
Only write a description of the item for sale.
Do not add 'For Sale' or the information input above, they will be added for you.
Ads will be limited to 2000 characters.
DO NOT post ads in all capital letters.
DO NOT put embedded html in your ads.
Include an asking price for all items for sale.
Please do not reference images on other image hosting sites. , many readers cannot access those sites from work computers and will not be able to see the images. Please upload the images with the ad if possible.


Asking Price: $ Plus Shipping


Trade Description:
(Optional) Only enter text here if you want to ad a trade item to the ad. Please only write a description of the item you would like to trade for. Do not add 'Trade' or the information input above, they will be added for you. Ads will be limited to 250 characters. DO NOT post ads in all capital letters. DO NOT put embedded html in your ads.



Upload up to five images to display with your ad.
Images must be 1 Mbytes or less, Images larger than 1 Mbytes won't upload!
Use the browse buttons to select the files names stored on your local computer.
Files will be uploaded when the ad is submitted.
Questions on how to upload and image?


Before submitting your ad, enter the text from the CAPTCHA image
above in the text field next to the image (case insensitive).
The CAPTCHA input helps prevent robots posting junk ads on this site.
Please Email Me if you have any issues with the CAPTCHA input.



*** Please limit the number of ads posted each day to 3-5 ads.
*** Posting in excess of 3-5 ads may result in the deletion of all of your ads.

    * - all fields with an asterisk are required fields


Top of Page

Top quality airgun products with expert advice   Custom Airgun Tunes, Repairs  and Accessories
Manufacturer of Premier Big Bore and Automatic Airguns Custom & Replacement Parts for Crosman 13XX, 22XX & Discovery
Custom Airgun Specialists with a pedigree from Rapid Air Weapons (RAW) and Theoben products. High Quality Scope Mounts and Accessories Airguns and Air Accessories
Airgun Moderators, Parts, and Accessories
Daystate, Beeman, FX, Webley, Brocock airguns and accessories Your FREE On-Line Airgun Magazine Manufacturer of the worlds premier airguns German Premier Airguns

Legal Disclaimer: The American Airguns website offers this free classified ads page as a service to its readers and holds no responsibility for the content ads posted on the page or any transactions between the posters and readers of this page. All ads are free and the responsibility of the persons posting the ads. It is the sellersand buyers responsibility to verify the authenticity of all ads and transactions. The American Airguns is not responsible for, or gets involved in transactions between parties using this site and does not certify, investigate, or in any way guarantee the legal capacity of any party to transact. American Airguns its owners is held harmless and blameless for any and all loss, harm, damage, costs, liability, and expense caused to them, whether intentionally or unintentionally, by the use of the American Airguns website, including but not limited to direct or indirect results of violations of any and all applicable laws.
© Copyright 2008 by Brad Troyer & American Airguns