Field Target Etiquette
Reprinted from the AAFTA Clubs and Shooters Handbook
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A definition of Field Target is that it is a freestyle shooting sport that is a viable alternative to the other existing disciplines such as Ten Meter, Silhouette and Benchrest. However, the foundation the sport of Field Target is based on is gentlemanly conduct and good sportsmanship without which our shooting sport would become at the very best - unpleasant. It behooves us all to not be distractive while others are shooting. Avoid walking behind and around a shooter trying to concentrate on range finding and shooting. Save idle chatter to moments when it does not dis-turb others. Admittedly, all this is pretty obvious stuff but I know that we have all been guilty of lapsing occasionally into a ìno-thinkî state of being distractive.
If a shooter deliberately persists in trying to rattle a fellow competitor a terrible potential burden is placed on the Match Director. Shoot Rule No.9 states: "The penalty for deliberate infraction of the Shoot Rules, unsafe practice, ungentlemanly conduct or any form of cheating is disqualification." A protest invoking this rule would certainly be a loud sour note for any match.
The protocol of Field Target requires us to be gentle-men and supportive of each other. If a shooter makes a good shot, say so. It's music to our ears even if it's a "gimme".
Author: Rodney Boyce
Etiquette Guidelines
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