The Beeman P3/Weihrauch HW40PCA Air Pistol

By Martin Owens, England

German Premier Airguns
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I first saw a review this gun back in January '99, looks like a Nemesis clone I thought to myself. I didn't think about it again until I saw some people raving about a pistol called the Beeman P3 on the Airgun Letter Forum, a quick search revealed that this was the HW40PCA. For the sake of this review it will be the P3. Being in the market for a new pistol to give me something to shoot when I run out of CO2 cartridges I went out and bought a P3, it cost me £75 (approximately $120).

I was pleasantly surprised when I opened the box, what impressed me was the balance and the look of the gun, it weighs in at 1lb 12oz and stretches the tape to a compact 9.25". Some might find the appearance of this gun too funky, I quite like it though, but I don't care for the fake magazine releases or slide levers. The gun is solidly built and features a novel construction method. To get a good looking pistol and keep the weight down Weihrauch has used synthetic materials, but there is a sub frame of good old metal. Now I don't care for plastic either, but the gun feels like a high quality piece, and I've had no durability problems at all.

The pistol uses a single stroke pneumatic power plant, which is never going to make this a magnum pistol. It does however make it a very accurate and pleasant to shoot pistol. To cock and load the P3 is a simple process, pull back the dummy hammer at the back of the frame, this releases the over-lever. When the over lever is swung to the extremity of its travel you will hear click as the trigger is set and the auto-safety is engaged and a hiss of air. A .177 pellet is now loaded directly into the 6.75" rifled barrel. Quite a bit of pressure is felt on the return stroke. I found it hard to cock at first, but it seems to get easier the more you use the pistol as you get the knack of it. The auto-safety is disengaged by pushing the switch on the left of the frame forward to fire.

The next part is the pistols best feature if you ask me, the trigger is simply wonderful. For the price it has to be the best two stage unit out there, very predicable, and such a lovely factory setting. You can adjust it, but I was so happy with mine out of the box I left it, the blade feels comfortable and solid. Coming back to the safety catch, it would have been better placed on the right hand side of the frame so you could flick it off with your trigger finger, or better yet having it on both sides of the frame to keep with the pistols ambidextrous nature.

The open sights fitted to this gun are excellent, the rear unit is the same pattern as is fitted to the P1 and P2. The foresight is a simple ramped blade molded with the over-lever. These combine to give an excellent sight picture. My own P3 needed no adjustments to the sights out of the box, though this would have been easy if they had, as the rear unit is fully adjustable and clicks with precision. Some might prefer a more narrow foresight, but I get on fine with mine. Those who prefer other sighting set-ups will be pleased to see the molded scope rails on the over-lever, I haven't tried the P3 with a scope, though its certainly accurate enough, cocking it may be awkward with a scope in place.

Shooting the P3 is a pleasure, it fires with a satisfying POP, which sends the pellet on its way at around 400 fps plus or minus depending on the pellet. This is plenty for plinking and informal target work. The accuracy of this gun for the price is astounding, from a rest the P3 will shoot ragged single holes at 10m and a bit beyond. I have had very good results with the following pellets:-RWS CO2 target, Eley Wasp, Crosman Premier and Bisley Practice. Shooting single handed you notice a very slight muzzle flip that is reduced by its built in compensator. Two handed shooting is catered for with the comfortable trigger guard being a point of contact for the other hand. Close range sparrows and starlings are fair game below 15M, due to the near match accuracy of the P3 and its sufficient power. The lightness and compactness of the P3 gives it very good pointability and instinctive handling, the only down point is the grip, or lack of it. Though it is very comfortable it becomes very slippery quickly, and on warm days the P3 can feel like a bar of soap almost. This can be cured in a number of ways depending on your budget, from broad rubber bands and self adhesive grip tape to a Hogue or similar slip on grip.

To sum up the P3 is an excellent plinking pistol, with very impressive accuracy, the pistols best feature is with out a doubt the superb two stage trigger unit. The worst feature is the slippery grip, which can be cured cheaply. Why are you still here ? Go and try one for yourself, for the money I don't think there is a more complete air pistol out there.

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The Beeman P3 / Weihrauch HW40PCA Air Pistol Specs

Model P3
Manufacturer Weihrauch, Germany
Importer USA: Beeman Precision Airguns
Type Single Stroke Pneumatic
Caliber .177
Velocity 410 fps
Energy 2.4 FP
Cocking Effort 27 lbs.
Trigger 2 stage
Overall Length 9.6"
Weight 1.7 lbs.
Sights Iron
Grip Polymer Composite
Safety Automatic


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