International Field Position

by Bob Zimmerman

Custom Airgun Specialists with a pedigree from Rapid Air Weapons (RAW) and Theoben products.
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Concept:   A thirty-yard competition.

The International Field Position Match is an open competition, designed to provide a standard format for shoulder-to-shoulder Field Target style competition at club, national, and international levels.

The match uses a standard paper target with printed circles that represent the kill zones used in Standard Field Target Competition. The purpose is to allow competition at the highest levels without the expense of travel.

Scores reported on this target and statistical data generated, will allow for comparisons of both shooters and equipment, on a weekly basis around the world. Matches will be scheduled in advance, have a minimum of two shooters and will be conducted on outdoor open-air ranges.

Scoring will be outward, always to the shooters disadvantage. If a shot touches the outside edge of a scoring ring it receives the lower value. Unlike a split pellet hit that will sometimes trip the paddle, touching the outer ring is always the lower value.

A NRA PLUG should be used if a shot is into the scoring ring. A .177 round nose pellet that looks like it does not touch outer edge will often be the lower value when a plug is inserted. (Ed. - In the UK these can be obtained from the NSRA)

The main differences of this match, as compared with Field Target, are a single known distance of 30 yards, use of a paper target; only two kill zone sizes and the use of one wind flag.

Two additional classes not normally participating in FT matches are included in order to encourage crossovers to the FT competition.

The major advantage is the standard course of fire, for gathering statistics. It is assumed that results of varying wind conditions will average out over time and that some local clubs will have a greater challenge due to poor wind conditions.

Wind conditions will be reported as a comment to match results. Conditions will be rated from one to five with five the most difficult wind condition. This wind comment will not change the scores fired.

Twenty-five ½-inch kill zones on an open-air range will present THE ULTIMATE CHALLENGE


IFP Rules

With minor exceptions, as to a paper statistical match, the AAFTA guidelines will apply. The official target will be used in all competitions. An official match for record will require a minimum of two shooters in shoulder-to-shoulder competition. The match must be scheduled 3 days in advance with the Statistical Officer.

Multiple matches may be conducted, if scheduled in advance. One shot at each one-inch circle will be fired. A total of 25 shots will be fired in 25 minutes at a distance of 30 yds, outdoors on an open range.

One wind indicator per shooter may be placed any where between the firing line and the target.

The 25-minute firing period may not be interrupted for any reason. If the firing period is interrupted, the match is canceled.

A hit inside (not touching the outer edge) of the-one inch circle will score1 point and a hit inside the one-half inch circle (not touching the outer edge) will score 2 points. Hits outside the 1-inch circle are scored 0.

ALL RECORD TARGETS will be submitted to the Statistical Officer to verify that each club utilizes the toughest scoring and that no target is given a higher value because it is close.

All hits that are doubtful should be given the lowest score. Examples of records to be maintained: Perfect 5-shot grid (all inside the one-half inch circle); multiples of perfect five-shot grids; perfect Target (doubtful); high target score, and high season average. All of these records, as well as reporting of match scores, will be by gun classification. NO OVERALL WINNER WILL BE REPORTED.

The four classifications will be OPEN, International Match Rifle (650 fps or less with a pellet less than 8.5 gr.), under-lever piston guns, barrel-cocking piston guns. Using multiple relays, competitors may compete in several classes or categories and may use a different statistic form, as required.

A scheduled match must be completed and turned in for statistics. Match directors will not be allowed to select only perfect conditions by canceling and re-scheduling matches. Obviously there will be extreme circumstances for matches to be cancelled. They should be extreme and rare.

When there are not at least two shooters in each class: Classes will be combined in the fairest combination.



Shooter’s lowest three scores will be dropped from average for year-end awards. A shooter must have at least three matches to be averaged in a category, in order to have scores reflected in the year-end statistics.

A Statistical form will be submitted for each Competitor to specify the following: Rifle Make Model and Velocity; Scope make and model power; Pellet mfg. weight and caliber; Shooter’s Position____; Jacket____ Sling__ Strap____ Other Aids Similar to Strap or Sling______; Modifications to Factory Stock to Fit shooter’s position; knee rest, extensions that touch the shooter’s body, except at shoulder and hand_____; Velcro or knee pads_____; Factory shipped action______; Custom action (modified action by name) ________; Shooter’s description of wind condition.

These statistics do not affect scores or gun classifications. They will give other shooters an opportunity to see what works and to compare their scores with shooters using similar equipment.

Points will be awarded based on a percentage of the winning score. The winner in each class will receive 10 points. Others in the same gun classification will receive points by dividing their score by the winner’s score. Example: winner shoots 40 and receives 10 points. The next highest score 30 will be awarded 7.5 points. These numbers will be used in statistics to be spelled out at a later date. Winners by classification will be reported by match, club series, club tournaments, regional tournaments, national tournaments and world tournaments. Team competitions will be welcome where the team shoots shoulder-to-shoulder with other team members.

Target holders will be as equal as possible so that no shooter has an advantage. The holders may be at different heights.



Unlimited sighters may be taken and a shooter may return to the sighter portion of the target during the match. A shooter without a good zero or if wind conditions warrant, should establish a zero off the target. A sighter shot falling inside a scoring grid will not penalize the shooter if the following conditions are met. 1) Match director is advised when the shot is fired. 2) No other shots are present in the scoring grid. 3) The match director makes note of the location of the shot, so that it can be identified at the scoring table.

Cross-fires: If a competitor cross-fires on an adjacent target he will: 1) Notify the match director that he has cross-fired. 2) The match director will make note of the location of the shot. The shot will be counted on the shooters score at its value minus 1-point penalty.

Shots falling outside the scoring grid: If a shot falls outside the scoring grid the shot will be scored as a miss regardless of where it falls on the target. If it falls in an adjacent grid it will be marked with a line to the grid and circle missing a shot. If there are more than 25 hits on the target the lowest 25 are scored except where sighter shots have been properly identified as missing the sighter area before the first record shot has been fired.

Remember that scoring is always to the shooter's disadvantage. There are never any "gimme’s". If it is too close to call the shot, takes the lower score. An NRA scoring plug will be required and any shot cutting the fat circles should be plugged. Plugs may be ordered with targets from the Statistical Officer at Ties are broken first by missed shots. The shooter with any shots outside the large circle falls to second place. Next, the shot the greatest distance from the center of the small circle will fall to second.

All interested clubs and shooters please email your fax number and mailing address to Bob Zimmerman at, for copies of the Target and abbreviated rules.

Statistical results will be reported by a combination of Fax, email and Web Site Posting.



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